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Boron is an essential element for plant development, growth, crop yielding and seed development by helping the transfer of water and nutrition in plants. 

It is essential in the balance between sugar and starch, and functions in the movement of sugar and carbohydrates.
• Valuable in pollination and seed production.
• Necessary for normal cell division, protein formation, and nitrogen metabolism. 

Commercial EPSOM Salt


Epsom salt – actually magnesium sulfate – helps seeds germinate, makes plants grow bushier, produces more flowers, increases chlorophyll production and deters pests, such as slugs and voles. It also provides vital nutrients to supplement your regular fertilizer.

Diammonium Phosphate – DAP


DAP is often used to feed row crops, small grain crops, and forage crops, which includes many different varieties of lawn grass. Phosphate is essential to healthy plant growth, and can improve the ability of plants to withstand extreme temperatures. It also improves the water efficiency, making them drought tolerant. Foliage growth is typically increased as well when such a phosphorus heavy fertilizer is applied, making diammonium phosphate fertilizer from Hayleys Fertilizers a popular choice for most farmers. 



A premium calcium and magnesium-rich soil enhancer for stressed crops with 100% organic calcium fertilizer and magnesium.

Eppawala Rock Phosphate – ERP


Eppawala Rock Phosphate (ERP) is a phosphorus (P) resource in Sri Lanka containing about (28% to 42%) of P2O5 and an alternative for imported Triple Super Phosphate (TSP). 



For crops which are more sensitive to Mg nutrients such as tea, betel, fruits and vegetables.

Muriate of Potash – MOP


MOP, or potassium chloride, is the most commonly employed potash fertilizer and can be used to farm a variety of foods, particularly chloride-loving vegetables such as sugar beets, corn, celery and Swiss chard. It can be beneficial for soil that is low in chloride, building the plantsdisease resistance. 

Single Super Phosphate – SSP


SSP is an excellent source of three plant nutrients. The P component reacts in soil similarly to other soluble fertilizers. The presence of both P and sulfur (S) in the premium SSP from Hayleys Fertilizer offers an agronomic advantage where both of these nutrients are deficient.

Sulphate of Ammonia

Sulphate of Ammonia

Sulphate of Ammonia is a quick acting, nitrogen fertilizer which encourages green and leafy growth. It is especially beneficial for crops such as lettuce, spinach, leeks and onions. As a water-soluble fertilizer, Sulphate of ammonia is extensively used for crop production because it provides efficient nitrogen and readily available Sulphur which aids in plant growth. The high-quality Sulphate of Ammonia Fertilizer from Hayleys Fertilizer is paramount in the maintenance of healthy soil and vibrant crop growth.

Sulphate of Potash – SOP


SOP is considered a premium-quality potash. It contains two key nutrients for growing crops: potassium and sulfur. Using SOP improves both quality and crop yield and makes plants more resilient to drought, frost, insects and even disease. SOP has been known to improve the look and taste of foods and can boost a plant’s ability to absorb key nutrients like phosphorus and iron. 

Most often, SOP is used on high-value crops like fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, coffee and tobacco. It works better on crops that are sensitive to chloride, which can be toxic to some fruit and vegetable plants. 

Triple Super Phosphate – TSP


TSP has the highest P content of dry fertilizers that don’t contain nitrogen (N). Over 90 percent of the total P in TSP is water soluble, so it becomes rapidly available for plant uptake. As soil moisture dissolves the granule, the concentrated soil solution becomes acidic. TSP also contains 15 percent calcium (Ca), providing an additional plant nutrient. A major use of TSP is in situations where several solid fertilizers are blended together for broadcasting on the soil surface or for application in a concentrated band beneath the surface. It’s also desirable for fertilization of leguminous crops, such as alfalfa or beans, where no additional N fertilization is needed to supplement biological N fixation. 



Urea, being the king of fertilizers provide plants with nitrogen and to encourage the growth of green, leafy plants and is an important factor for the process of photosynthesis. A lush leafy growth is guaranteed with Hayleys Fertilizer. .