Food Consultant from India conducts a free webinar for university students through Hayleys Agriculture Training School.
At the request of Dr. (Mrs) S.H.P. Malkanthi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Hayleys Agriculture Training School (HATS); a training institution registered under the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (TVEC), conducted a webinar on Quality standards of exporting fruit and vegetable and Export documentation for the students of the Agribusiness Management and Food Business Management Departments of the faculty. The guest speaker, Mr. Anil Naik from Innovative Food Consultants, India shared his knowledge on introduction to quality standards in export market, how to achieve these standards – processes and practices, basic concepts of food safety and standards, main food safety standards adopted across the world, food safety certifications for exports, export documentation.